The power of crystals

Ruxandra Pana
5 min readMay 19, 2020

The world of crystals is a world of magic and of endless exploration. Everyone, from geologists to spiritual healers and kids are mesmerized by both their appearance and by their unique blueprint. Just like with plants you can gain a lot of benefits from using them, like medicine, aromatherapy, shamanic journeys and even shape the natural environment to our pleasing, so do crystals have a lot to offer not only from a decorative perspective.

1.It is being proven that crystals can hold in information which can later on be decoded and used for technological purposes, like for instance quartz crystals are being used in computers memories and conductors, TVs and even LCD screens which use a form of liquid crystals. With its unique structure, quartz crystals are known to be the most used crystals, their use ranging from technological to energy therapy and healing. Without quartz we would not be having radios, watches or an accurate optics field of study.

2. Crystals can help in maintaining the structure of the land and can help maintain a stable Earth geomagnetic activity.

Crystals do contribute to Earth’s protective shell and unfortunately excessive mining has made certain areas of the Globe lose their flora and fauna, become radioactive and become more unstable in general. Crystals help the flora and fauna and are a crucial element to maintaining our ecosystems in balance.

3. Crystals are a natural aggregation state of matter which are the blueprint for any biological formations including the amino acids in our bodies which before becoming organic were organized into crystals.

Crystallized aminoacids in our bodies

4. Crystals can defy time. Scientists have discovered a new state of matter which they named “Time Crystals”: A time crystal or space-time crystal is a structure that repeats in time, as well as in space. Normal three-dimensional crystals have a repeating pattern in space, but remain unchanged as time passes. Time crystals repeat themselves in time as well, leading the crystal to change from moment to moment.(Source:Wikipedia)

5. Crystals can make changes to the physiology when worn directly on the skin.

It has been proven that Gold and Silver have benefits for the physiology of the body when worn as jewelry but that also happens with crystals such as: hematite which contains iron and can let the skin absorb more iron into the body when you wear a piece for a longer period of time. Sphalerite crystal contains significant amounts of Zinc and by wearing it you can let the body absorb it gently over longer periods of time. So to back up the tremendous crystal healing paradigm there is also science which can agree with the healing benefits of wearing a crystal at least from a chemical point of view.

Hematite tumbled stones

6. Crystals can absorb radiation from electronic devices.

There are a lot of crystals which are said to absorb the EMF and even block the microwaves from reaching the body’s vicinity if they are placed around you. Shungite for example is a good crystal which can lower the impact of electromagnetic radiation around you. These days we are exposed to so much pollution and crystals can help reduce the impact of this type of pollution.

7. Crystals have a good therapeutic effect on your psyche and emotions.

Not only are they beautiful to be kept in the house, from large geodes to small gemstones, but they can also emit certain types of frequencies which can be measured and photographed(the Raman unique frequency spectrum and the Kirilian photography can prove easily that each crystal has their own “message” for us). Experts in crystal healing will advice to wear particular crystals for particular issues and we can also correlate crystals with zodiac signs. For anyone passionate about astrology and esoteric knowledge this is a whole world to explore, endless.

Healing crystals

8. Crystals have a longer tradition of being used on Earth than any other objects because we were connected to stones in general, ever since the Stone Age. We developed an intimate relationship with crystals which, including normal stones, are our Primordial Object to use. From a philosophical point of view we always attribute to something unknown and yet to be discovered the label itself of “Philosophical Stone“ and we had our places in caves surrounded by crystals, stalactites and stalagmites. It could be our reminiscence of the baby stages of human civilization where like in a womb, we were nurtured by caves of crystals and guided into hunting by SiO2 weapons. Crystals are older than any animal on this planet and are a precursor of organic life.

Hunting stone

9. We have our fairy tales and castles filled with crystals and jewelry made from crystals and they are a proof of richness just like Gold is.

They enrich our collective dreams and provide a tool of understanding of our world through geology but also through mythology. For instance the Myth of the crystal ball used in so many stories, from Brothers Grimm to Hollywood movies.

Escher crystal ball drawing

We have yet a lot to understand and discover about crystals, not only are they a beautiful world to explore but they can also provide a lot of insight into the laws of nature and into how we can progress and evolve our technology so that we can live healthier lives and more holistic.

